It was a rich blessing for me to be at Westwood last Sunday. I have been told by others who have experienced the kind of journey I am on that the first Sunday back at church by yourself is a hard one. On the one hand, I found that to be true. It was hard driving to church alone last Sunday after so many Sundays over the years of having Christine with me. It was hard singing some of the songs, and it was hard knowing that all of you who also loved her are also missing her.
On the other hand, it was a Sunday worth celebrating as I baptized Marty Davenport into Christ and as we installed/ordained new elders and officers for 2014*. I appreciated Marty Ganong preaching for us and sharing his Bible translation ministry with the adult class. He is doing such a great job, along with his wife Tina, in western Africa, and I am glad he could have more exposure to Westwood. I enjoyed sharing lunch with him, his fellow Bible translation missionary who was with him, and the Ehlers.
Since last Sunday, I have been in Madison taking care of matters that I can. At times, I feel emotionally paralyzed. That has especially been true this week as I was to leave for Cincinnati to see a nephew play a college basketball game. Due to the extreme winter weather, the game was postponed and I could not travel to Cincinnati until Wednesday. So I am spending the last part of the week in Cincinnati with Nancy and Dave. I plan to return home on Saturday and to travel to Menomonee Falls on Sunday to visit Legacy Christian Church which was planted in 2011, and then will fly to California next week to spend a week with my sister and her family.
Now, let me tell you how we were able to bless some families this week who come to our Food Pantry. While I was traveling to be with family just before Christmas, I received a call from Erik Spengler who owns and manages The UPS Store on Monona Drive (I do business there for WCMA and have known Erik for over five years). His store is a collection point for Toys For Tots each Christmas season. This year Toys For Tots did not collect his toys and suggested he contact a church that might be able to distribute them. That resulted in Erik’s call to me.
Just before New Years Day, I informed Gloria Jean Ehlers of the toys we had and suggested she might be able to distribute them to families with children who use our Food Pantry. Last Thursday evening, January 2, Gloria Jean arranged to have those who came to our Food Pantry who have children select a toy for each of their children. We were able to bless these families with more than food. They were trilled and grateful. When I informed Erik early this week of how we had distributed the toys, he was also thrilled and appreciated being informed of how we had distributed the toys.
This coming Sunday, Don Hochmuth will preach at Westwood. Don and his family are lifelong friends. We grew up in the same church. He ministered for many years in Wisconsin, including a lengthy associate ministry at Roxbury Road Church of Christ in Janesville. I hope his message will bless your life on Sunday.
God bless,
*In introducing the new officers, I failed to introduce Rob Ehlers as taking on a new three-year Trustee term, as well as that of elder, and Dennis Seman as taking the role of Trustee to fill an unexpired term.
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