Since I last wrote this missive a week ago, I have experienced the deepest heartache and the deepest joy. I have been amazed at how those two opposite emotions are often experienced in light of the same circumstances.
First the heartache: we held a brief service at the Oak Ridge Cemetery in Christine’s home town of Buchanan, MI. Nathan Babcock, the minister at her home church, Buchanan Christian Church, read scripture and prayed at the brief service in the cemetery chapel. We sang “Amazing Grace” and closed by singing “It Is Well With My Soul.” Then we walked to the grave site where Michael Driscoll, her professor from Notre Dame whose statement about Christine was read at her funeral, read Scripture and prayed. Then I lowered her remains into the ground. Afterwards we shared lunch at Buchanan Christian Church.
Now the joy: We were joined for the service and lunch by more friends from her home church and the surrounding area. Included in the gathering were friends of Christine from high school, including two members of her bridal party in 1973 and a college roommate. So many people have been such a blessing to us. On Friday evening, I took the family who was still in the area out to dinner, and we enjoyed a wonderful evening together.
On Saturday, Nancy, Dave, and I left our mother-in-law’s to return to our homes. I enjoyed one of the greatest, deepest joys of these last few weeks on my journey home. On Friday afternoon, I had finally made contact with Donna Mitchell, the woman who introduced Christine and I to each other 41 years ago. She had been such a blessing to both our lives, and has proved to be a blessing to me again. I met with Donna and her husband, Chris, for two hours. When we sat down with each other, it was as if all the years just vanished. We talked like the two old friends we were. You can only thank God for friends like that. That visit made my return home so much easier.
In subsequent email exchanges, Donna counted up the significant days in a married couple’s lives that a surviving spouse must now experience alone that I had already been through. She counted six, including my birthday, our anniversary, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. I am looking forward to experiencing those days next year in happier circumstances.
Last Sunday, I attended the Footville Church of Christ and experienced the joy of being with more longtime friends. They hugged me and encouraged me and have continued praying for my family and I.
Since returning home, I have handled personal matters and begun dealing with things in our home that must be faced after the death of a spouse. Through it all, God is being gracious to me.
This coming Sunday, I am looking forward to being at Westwood. We will give attention to an annual event in the congregation as we install/ordain two elders to new terms and our other officers for the year. Marty Ganong, Bible translation missionary in West Africa who was with us for Great Communion in October, will preach. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and worshiping together.
God bless,
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