Roger Wisegarver Benefit Concert
Last summer Roger and Brenda Wisegarver moved from Madison, where they were faithful and active members of Westwood, to their hometown of Monticello, IL. Roger began work for a Christian radio station in Central Illinois. Many of you know his story from there.
Then during the last few days of 2009, Roger noticed that his legs were beginning to feel numb. Days later, he couldn't walk. Upon diagnosis, the doctors told Roger and Brenda that Roger had what is known as Guillain Barre Syndrome. Guillain Barre is a syndrome where a person's immune system attacks a virus in the body, but then for some reason the immune system then turns and begins to attack the neural system as well. Within the first several days of 2010, Roger went from feeling numbness in his limbs to being completely paralyzed and unable to speak. Days later, he was on a ventilator, a feeding tube, and was unconscious. After several days, Roger woke up. Since then he has had an uncertain climb toward whatever recovery might look like this side of heaven. His story is that of a faith journey through difficult and uncertain times.
On August 29 at 6:00 PM, First Christian Church of Monticello, IL, Roger and Brenda’s home church and the church where they are now members, will hold a benefit concert to help with Roger’s medical expenses. As a support to Roger and Brenda due to their long involvement with Westwood, we would like to have Westwood help with this benefit concert in two ways:
(1) During the rest of August, we will accept gifts at Westwood toward the love offering to be taken at the benefit concert. You may make checks out to Westwood and designate them for the Wisegarver Benefit.
(2) Our leadership would like to invite you to travel with some of us to the benefit concert on August 29 to deliver the gift from Westwood and to offer our encouragement and support to Roger and Brenda. If you are able to make the trip, you can use the information tear-off in your Sunday bulletin to get us your name and the number from your family that will go, Just write Wisegarver Benefit somewhere on the form.
We will announce coordinated travel arrangements for the trip to Monticello later in the month. It would be great to have a good contingent from Westwood attend.
ROGER may i tell of our free program to inspire all to talk with the Lord daily everyday life questions part is our message and song lyrics SREAD THE WORD-TALK WITH THE LORD that can be used with your music FREE in non commercial plus some pastors have used our blog posts for sermon ideas info and lyrics g. hubbard p.o. box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004 log