Last night six people from Westwood traveled to Monticello, IL, to attend the benefit concert for Roger Wisegarver and to deliver Westwood’s offering toward his medical needs. It proved to be an excellent event with many very good results.
Facts About the Offering and Event:
Final Offering From Westwood: $3,595.00
Offering at the Concert (approximate) $11,000.00
Total Offering (approximate) $15,000.00
Announced Attendance 321
Those attending from Westwood included Nadine Miller, Kathy Seman, Tom and Ann Sippy, Christine and I. We left the eastside of Madison at 1:30 PM and returned at 1:00 AM.
Roger and Brenda were in attendance, and Roger spoke to the gathering midway through the program. Some of you will remember the video of him being interviewed about how he is dealing with this disease and his recovery that we showed after worship in July. That video was played for the gathering and then Roger reiterated to the crowd some of the things he said in the video about how the Lord is taking he and Brenda through this challenge.
One of the neat sidelights to the event was that two of the men from the rehabilitation facility that Roger is currently in volunteered their time to bring Roger to the event.
The choir that performed the concert is a men’s choir formed from the Christian radio station that Roger moved to Central Illinois to work for. Roger had, of course, been singing in the choir until the virus struck. The general manager of the radio station with whom Roger became friends before going there to work, was the MC for the evening. He told me he would be going on the air this morning to announce the results of the benefit.
They hope to purchase a battery powered wheel chair for Roger with funds from the benefit. They hope in the coming months to raise enough funds to purchase a wheel-chair accessible van for Roger and Brenda.
Our efforts at Westwood to raise the money we did and to have a delegation at the event were well received. Thank you for giving generously in order to help a couple who are friends of all of us who have ministered here with Roger and Brenda.
This was the third time I have seen Roger since all of this unfolded at the beginning of the year. Each time I see him, I have observed noticeable progress in him. His attitude has been exceptional through all of it. He still has a long way to go in his recovery, so continue to pray for he and Brenda.
God bless,
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