Sunday, December 1, 2013


On Sunday, I led the adult class at Westwood Christian Church through an overview of “Seven Keys Which Unlock the Book of Revelation.” These keys were developed several years by Stafford North when he was on the faculty of Oklahoma Christian University in Oklahoma City. Here is a brief summary of the seven keys:

1. Revelation is Written in Symbols. Revelation falls in a type of writing called apocalyptic literature that was well in ancient days. Apocalyptic writings generally (1) use symbols or figures to express their meaning, (2) predict historical events, (3) use numbers figuratively, and (4) are based on visions. This “code” approach was used in Revelation for the same reason Jesus used parables during his ministry—so the meaning could be known by his followers while being withheld from others.

2. Revelation is Written Primarily About Events Which Will "Shortly Come to Pass." Phrases such as “things which must shortly come to pass” and “the time is at hand” are used throughout the book. This key suggests that “the major events of the book would happen soon, and we must apply the book to the needs, problems, and hopes of the first-century Christians to whom it was addressed.”

3. Revelation Was Given to Comfort Persecuted Christians.The book mentions the souls of those beheaded for Christ and tells us that the second beast would kill those who refuse to worship the image of the first beast. When you follow this theme through the book, you see that “those who first received the Book of Revelation were beset by persecution and that it was going to get even worse. Much of the book is to reassure Christians in a time of trial—they should overcome, they should hope, they should expect the eventual overthrow of their persecutors, they should look to heaven.”

4. Revelation Identifies the Dragon and Two Beasts. The Dragon is clearly identified as Satan. The First Beast represents the Roman Empire, and the Second Beast is associated with the First Beast and enforces worship of the First Beast. This worship was the practice of emperor worship that prevailed in the Roman Empire of the day.

5. Revelation Identifies the Harlot and Babylon. The Harlot is a powerful city and represents Rome. Babylon was a great city which had fallen and also represents Rome. Because of the evil of Babylon, the term is another way of referring to Rome as a city of evil.

6. Revelation Identifies the Period of 1260 Days. The period of 1260 days and 42 months and 3 1/2 years are all codes for a limited period of intense persecution that was soon to come upon the Christians. The vision is intended to encourage Christians to stand firm in the face of that persecution.

7. Revelation Tells of a Spiritual, Not a Physical Kingdom. Much of the misunderstanding about the Book of Revelation comes from a misconception about Christ's kingdom, which attempts to understand the Kingdom of God as a physical kingdom.

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