I am nearing the end of the first stage of matters I needed to deal with following Christine’s sudden death on December 10. All of you, our wonderful family at Westwood, have been so kind during these last two weeks to give me time away from my responsibilities at Westwood, to let me know you are praying for Nancy, Dave, and I as well as our extended family, and to see that matters at Westwood that I usually give attention to each week are covered. Thank you for your outpouring of love.
I hope to keep you up, using the Westwood Message, with how and what I am doing while I am away from Westwood. Certainly I am praying for services and events at Westwood and for everyone at Westwood.
During this first stage of things after Christine’s funeral, I have been spending time with family. Nancy and Dave were so kind to stay with me in Cottage Grove during the week after the funeral as we handled many of the details that need to be taken care of after a death. Then I went to their home in Cincinnati over last weekend. We had a lovely dinner on Saturday with some of their friends who Christine and I had become friends with over the last few years, and then attended church with Nancy and Dave on Sunday at their church.
This week we have spent in Buchanan, MI, Christine’s home town, with her mother and family. We attended Christmas Eve service at the church where my brother-in-law and sister-in-law worship. My niece and her husband had parts in the service. Ten of us spent Christmas Day together.
As she always did at Christmas for forty years, Christine blessed me again this year at Christmas. She had already bought presents for my birthday, our anniversary, and Christmas which Nancy found and wrapped for me. While they were opened with tears in my eyes, they provided another lasting memory of her.
We have one task left this week: we will have a brief service tomorrow, December 27, at the cemetery in her home town where her remains will be placed.
Then I will return home on Saturday and will be at home all next week. On Sunday, I plan to visit the Footville Church of Christ, a church which has blessed us many times in the last few years, and to be in attendance at Westwood on January 5.
During the Christmas Eve service we attended, we sang “O Come All Ye Faithful” and “O Holy Night.” As we sang, I recalled our adventure this year in The Story. I thought as I sang that you cannot come face to face with death and not have a deeper appreciation for the story of Jesus. I have certainly sensed that in the last two weeks. I hope my experience can help you do so as well. Jesus came and died to remove all grief and pain and the day is coming when he will do so. While I am grieving, I am not doing so as the rest of the world does who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14).
I may be away from Westwood most of the time in the next month, but feel free to call or email me. I will look forward to seeing you in worship on January 5.