Thursday, March 31, 2011

Westwood Message–March 31, 2011

Easter Offering to Go to New Church in Menomonee Falls


WCMA, a ministry supported by our Missions Ministry, is partnering on a church plant that will launch this Fall in Menomonee Falls. Jerod Walker will lead the plant.

Our Missions Team is asking the congregation to give to an Easter offering toward the church plant. Offerings designated for this special offering can be given throughout the month of April.

New Small Groups To Begin

Part of our church mission statement says that we exist “to exalt God…by building people to maturity in Christ, connecting people into the body of Christ…” Part of growing to maturity and connecting to others can take place within a small group where you study and fellowship with other believers. In an informal setting such as a home, people can discuss, ask questions, and grow through interaction.

Such experiences are important to our development and growth as Christians. Small groups provide significant experiences toward such growth. Some of you are already in a small group, such as our Tuesday evening Bible study that meets at the church office and our morning women’s groups. We are once again going to begin some new groups, and we would like for you to consider becoming part of one.

In order to facilitate and discuss the formation of new groups, Mike Notaro and Dawn Zimmerman arranged a meeting of interested people. The meeting will be a potluck dinner on April 10 at 5:00 PM at our building. Each family should bring a meal item to pass or dessert to pass. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the back of our worship center.

Worshipping and Waiting Together Community-wide Prayer Service

Join together with other Christians in the greater Madison area to worship and pray this Friday evening, April 1, at 7:00 PM at High Point Church, 7702 Old Sauk Road, Madison. This is the second of six such events planned for this year in the Madison area.

Sermon Series for April and May


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