Be sure to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night as we resume Daylight Savings Time this coming Sunday, March 13.
Jerod Walker to Preach at Westwood on March 20

If you have followed the announcements we have published about this year’s WCMA church plant (in partnership with other organizations), you may recognize Jerod Walker’s name. He will be the lead planter for the new church, and we have him coming to Westwood on March 20. He will preach that Sunday and discuss plans for the church plant during the adult class in our 11:00 AM class time.
Jerod began working fulltime on the plant on January 1. Prior to that he served as Family Life Minister at Central Christian Church in Beloit. Previous to that he served as senior minister of a church in New Mexico.
Children’s Workers to Meet on March 20
Our children’s workers will hold their next meeting on March 20 at noon. We will order pizza for lunch. We will order pizza for all family members who will be waiting unti the end of the meeting. If you are interested in working with our children or are a parent, you also are welcome to attend.
The main discussion topic for the meeting will be planning and scheduling our special children’s activities for the year.
Potluck Dinner for Small Groups Coming on April 10
Mike Notaro and Dawn Zimmerman are organizing a meeting for anyone interested in being part of a small group. More details will be coming, but if being in a small group is of interest, put April 10 at 5:00 PM on your calendar.
The Question of Authority Prompts an Encounter With Jesus
People today are not comfortable with authority. I experienced it in my teen, college, and young adult years. It was the era of the Viet Nam War, and massive demonstrations took place against the war and the political leaders (authorities) of that time. Hippies were everywhere it seemed and were a very visible indication of cultural rebellion against authority.
Today we see this discomfort with authority all through our culture. As children grow older, they sometimes rebel against the authority of their parents. Employees often dislike rules that have been established in the workplace. Many of the legal conflicts of our day are conflicts over authority. Much of the reaction to the posting of the Ten Commandments in public places is argued on constitutional grounds, but it is really a matter of authority. People do not want to live under the authority of moral guidelines.

This issue with authority is not new to our day. Much of the conflict between Jesus and the Jewish leaders was over authority, and that prompted an interesting encounter with Jesus in Matthew 21:23-27. The people came to Jesus because he taught them as “one who had authority,” so some of the Jewish leaders came to Jesus one day and questioned his authority. They asked, “By what authority do you do these things?”
Jesus asked them a question about whether John the Baptist’s baptism came from heaven or from men. They would not commit themselves to an answer. They reasoned that if they said his authority was from heaven, Jesus would ask them why they did not then believer John. If, on the other hand, they said his authority was from men, they would lose the respect of the people who held that John was a prophet. Jesus, then, would not answer their question about his authority because he knew they did not want to live under the authority of God anyway.
When we reject the authority of God, in our lives, we reject what is best for us. Jesus came to earth and showed us how to live under the authority of God because living by his authority is best for us. We see authority in a negative way and when that authority comes from other people it often is. When it comes from God, though, it gives us the best chance, the only chance, of living holy lives.
You may not like authority, but God’s authority is one you can trust, one that will benefit your life. Determine to let God rule your life.