Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Westwood Message – May 12, 2010

Koinonia House Workday

Koinonia House, the campus house at the University of Wisconsin for Wisconsin Christian Campus Ministries, will have a workday on Saturday, June 19 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. They need volunteers to help in multiple areas: Landscaping, cleaning, tearing old carpeting out, moving furniture, power wash the exterior of the house, and others. If you can help out on that day, put the date on your calendar and plan to work. Koinonia House is located at 111 N Orchard St in Madison.

News From Martin and Arlyn Shields

Last week we received the message below from Martin and Arlyn Shields, former members of Westwood who now live in Texas:

It’s been a while since you heard from us, but we’re still enjoying your e-mails. Thanks for including us.

I would like for you to share something very special with our friends at Westwood. Travis will be graduating from Southwestern University on [last] Saturday. Now that’s a milestone for all of us! But even greater than that: He was commissioned last week to serve in the mission field in South Africa for one year. He is so excited about the upcoming time. He will receive training in June and leave in late July/early August.

You may remember that he was baptized at Westwood, so all of you have had a part in preparing him for this year of service. Please add him to Westwood’s list of missionaries that you support in love and prayer.

We’ll keep you posted as things progress.

Would love to come to Wisconsin for a visit. As Texas heats up, all places to the north look inviting.

Love to you all.

Arlyn and Martin

Thank You Note From Wendell and Helen Smith

We wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, calls, and support during the past few months of our health problems. God is our refuge and strength during difficult times. We praise His Holy Name. Thank you for caring.

With Christian Love,

Wendell & Helen Smith

Upcoming Missions Presentations on May 16 & 23

Two of the missions that Westwood supports as part of our world-wide missions outreach will have representatives in our worship service on the next two Sundays to inform us about their ministries.

On May 16, Zach Fulton, the church liaison for Rock River Christian Assembly, will join us to preach and update us about the camp’s program. Zach is new on the camp staff this year, so this will be his first time at Westwood.

On May 23, Patrick Ojay and his family will update us on the ministry of Slavic World for Christ and the ministry of the Old Park Church in Ternopil, Ukraine. Patrick’s wife, Nadya, is a native of Ternopil, and they have a long history with the Old Park Church. Patrick will share a combined message and update on the ministry during our worship service, and then will also lead the adult class. The Ojay’s have been at Westwood before, so we are glad to welcome them back.

Update on The Manhattan Declaration

Last fall, I informed you of The Manhattan Declaration, “a call to Christian conscience” in our culture. It was written by a wide-ranging group of Christian leaders who “united … to reaffirm fundamental truths about justice and the common good, and to call upon our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in defending them. These truths are:

1. the sanctity of human life

2. the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife

3. the rights of conscience and religious liberty.”

In an email report to signers of the Manhattan Declaration, I received the following information:

You [may have seen] the story of the eight nurses in New York who refused to participate in taking the life of an unborn child by abortion. They were punished, but held their ground. (Later their employer relented and even apologized to them.) Here are people who refused to render to Caesar that which belongs to God! If you didn't get to the story, please read it. More people must follow their example.

The second bit of exciting news comes from England. Weeks ago, a group of British pastors and Christian leaders, including the former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, posted on a website a condensed version of the Manhattan Declaration. They called it, appropriately, the Westminster Declaration. In the first week they had 5,000 signatures. As we write, they have close to 50,000! This is extraordinary. The church in England has not, in recent years, distinguished itself by giving Christian witness on public moral issues. So this was welcome change and big news - all inspired by the Manhattan Declaration.

Around the world we're getting similar reports of the Declaration being picked up and circulated. It has been translated into a number of foreign languages.

You can electronically sign The Manhattan Declaration at this website: http://www.manhattandeclaration.org. As of yesterday, 444,187 people have signed it. You can read and sign the full declaration at the website and read other news about what is happening in the U.S. and around the world as a result of the declaration. The goal of the drafters of the document is ”to build a movement - hundreds of thousands of … Christians who will stand together alongside other men and women of goodwill in defense of foundational principles of justice and the common good.”

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