Help Need for VBS Preparations
Needed! VBS Painters and Craft Helpers!!! We plan on meeting at the church on: Saturday, June 5, at 1:00 pm to finish drawing murals and begin painting. Also, we'll have craft supplies there to begin cutting, sorting, etc. Any questions, please contact Kris Wales or Sandy Polcyn.
Thanks for your help in advance!
Sandy and Kris
VBS Co-Captains
Dead Seas Scrolls Presentation Coming to Westwood
The Milwaukee Public Museum’s exhibit “Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible” ends its showing on June 6. While some of us were able to see the exhibit, some were not able to see it. So, we have asked Keith Schoville of our congregation to do a presentation on the Dead Sea Scrolls in our 11:00 AM Adult Class on June 6. Keith is a retired professor from UW who taught in the field of Biblical Archaeology and has been on many archaeological digs in Israel. He will bring a great amount of insight into the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for understanding the Bible.
Memorial Day – A Day of Remembrance
Next Monday, Americans will celebrate Memorial Day with picnics, parades, and family gatherings. For most, Memorial Day is a work holiday. Yet, we often forget the purpose of the day.
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day as soldiers who gave their lives in the Civil War were remembered and flowers were placed on the graves of soldiers who had died in the war. After World War I, the day changed from honoring those who gave their lives in the Civil War to honoring all Americans who gave their lives in any war defending their country.
Since the late 1950’s, on the last Thursday before Memorial Day, the 1,200 soldiers of the 3d U.S. Infantry place small American flags at each of the more than 260,000 gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery. They then patrol 24 hours a day during the weekend to ensure that each flag remains standing. Similar activities take place in other military cemeteries around the country.
Since many Americans are not aware of the meaning of Memorial Day or just neglect remembering our fallen soldiers, The “National Moment of Remembrance” resolution was passed by Congress in December 2000. It asks for all Americans, at 3:00 PM local time, "To voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to 'Taps.’"
Remembrance is a great idea. Indeed it is a Biblical idea. Throughout the Old Testament, God asked the Israelites to establish memorials to remind the nation of who they were – God’s people – and of how he had delivered them.
Jesus established the most important memorial of all when he established the Lord’s Supper on the evening before his crucifixion. We offer communion every Sunday in our worship service so that we remember his death and never forget that through Jesus’ death our sins our forgiven and we receive eternal life.
So on this coming holiday weekend, I encourage you to take part in two remembrances. Remember the Lord’s death on Sunday as we gather to worship, and then, on Monday, remember those who have given their lives defending our country.
Thank You From John Navis
John Navis serves as a missionary in Sao Luis, Brazil, and is supported by Westwood. In 2008, we gave a special gift of $1,000 to his ministry (one-third of our 2008 Christmas offering). He recently emailed his mother and asked her to share with us how that money has been used:
We just got the awning put on the door of the church. They were bought with the money that Westwood gave us as a special Christmas gift two years ago. It took a while to get the job done but with the most recent rains, we didn't have any rain come in. Thank Westwood a lot for me.
John Navis
Thank You For Rock River Christian Camp Donations
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Rock River Christian Camp Pantry Days collection this year. We collected bottles of disinfectant cleaner for the camp. In addition to the individual bottles of cleaner, two bottles of concentrated cleaner were donated. Those two bottles will make into far more than the 50 individual bottles we were asked to donate. Money was also donated that will be used to purchase more bottles of cleaner.
Coming Summer Events at Westwood
- June 6 – Keith Schoville to lead the adult class in a study of the history and importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
- June 6 – 12:00 Noon – Keenagers Potluck at Westwood
- June 13 -- Missions Message with report on his mission trip to China by Dennis Seman
- June 13 – after worship – Graduation Reception for Karen Sippy
- June 19 –9:00 AM to 3:00 PM – Workday at Koinonia House, 111 N. Orchard St., Madison, the campus house for Wisconsin Christian Campus Ministries
- July 12-16 – Vacation Bible School at Westwood
- August 1 – 12:00 Noon – All Church Potluck
- August 28 – Westwood Festival