Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jesus Alone Is Mighty to Save

Jesus Alone is Mighty to Save

Tom White, Director of The Voice of the Martyrs, writes about watching an interview of four religious leaders — a Catholic, two Protestants, and a Muslim — speaking in Chicago. They were discussing youth violence after a Chicago student was beaten to death at his high school. The Muslim leader, referring to the outreach of his own mosque, said we could fight youth violence with “the gospel … the church … the word of God.” White says, “He pirated these Christian terms for his own Islamic use. Throughout the entire program, Jesus, the Prince of Peace, was never mentioned, unless it was edited out.”


White goes on to say, “Is it easy for me to substitute my own witness for Jesus with politically correct terms like “moral code” or “family values”? The public does not resist these terms because these are not life changing words. These words have no power to save or transform. These generic words, when purposefully divorced from Jesus, become meaningless.”

This is exactly the message we have been considering this winter as I have preached from the miracles of Jesus. The miracles not only tell us that Jesus is Mighty to Save, but that he is the only One who is Mighty to Save.

Jesus broke into people’s lives when he lived on the earth to heal lepers, the paralyzed, the blind, the deaf, to drive out demons, to calm the storms, and to raise the dead in order to show us that he can deal with all the issues of life that we face. Then ultimately he rose from the dead to demonstrate his power over the greatest enemy we have. He alone can solve the violence in our schools and every other problem our culture faces. We need to point people to Jesus.

In the same column, Tom White told about the founder of Voice of the Martyrs, Richard Wurmbrand, who took many dangerous trips into communist countries to tell people about Jesus “the sin killer, the transformer.”

The newsletter went on to tell about a North Korean who escaped to China in search of churches that were rumored to be giving away food. He was given a Bible to take home with him, read it, believed it, and gave his life to Christ. He would later risk his life to return to China to take more Bibles back to North Korea. In China, he met a North Korean army commander who had also given his life to Christ, but continued to serve in the army. They risk their lives everyday if they are even caught with a Bible because they believe, as we do, that Jesus is Mighty to Save.

Jesus is powerful beyond imagination and can work even in the most anti-Christian nation in the world. If he can work there, he can work within us.

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