Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Invite a Friend to Westwood

When Jesus called his first disciples, Peter and Andrew, Matthew’s Gospel tells us he saw these two fishermen brothers casting a net into the Sea of Galilee. He said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Shortly afterward he saw two other brothers, James and John and called them. All four immediately left their nets and followed him.

Jesus calls all of his followers to be fishers of men. One way to encourage your friends and family to follow Jesus is to invite them to events and services at Westwood.

We have been working to turn Westwood into a “fishing” church. Toward that end, we have two opportunities coming up in late March and early April that will give you an opportunity to invite someone that you know to come learn about Jesus.


First, we will hold an outreach event on March 26 at 7:00 pm similar to the events we have held in each of the past two years. This year, we will host a presentation from Jews For Jesus titled Christ In the Passover. Jean Hanson, a volunteer with Jews For Jesus will make the presentation, and we will follow it with a feedback/question and answer time. While the presentation focuses on the Jewish Passover, it is relevant for everyone seeking to know Christ as it shows how God used the Passover to prepare people for the coming of his Son into the world.


Second, we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday, April 4. On that day, I will conclude my current sermon series with a message on the resurrection by looking at Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead using the theme, “Discovering the One Who Defeats Death.” Our worship planning team has already begun discussing ideas for our worship service that Sunday. It will provide you with another great opportunity to invite a friend or family member to attend with you.

By early March, we will have flyers ready for you to use to invite people to these events. Begin now to pray about who you can invite. Determine to be a fisher of men.

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