Thank You’s
Thanks to everyone who helped with preparations, cooking, cleanup, and all the other details for the Harvest Dinner last Sunday evening, November 24. We had a number of guests, and everyone had an enjoyable evening. Thanks for all your hard work.
Christine and I would like to thank all of you who blessed us with cards and gifts for Pastor Appreciation Month in October. We are glad to be ministering with you and look forward to how God continues to work through Westwood’s ministry.
WCC’s 2010 Kids Christmas Play
“Toooooooooo Busy”!!!Sunday, December 19, 9:30 am Worship Service
Westwood’s children have begun practicing for the 2010 Kids Christmas Play which will be performed during our December 19 worship service. Between now and then, our elementary and middle school children will meet downstairs for the entire worship service each Sunday for a class and play practice.
Christmas Decorating Set for December 3 & 4
Christine Henes will supervise “Hanging of the Greens” at the church on December 3 and 4 starting at 9 am. She needs Middle and High School youth, and men and women to assist in a variety of ways:
1. Set up of 2 long tables on the platform on Friday am and removed and put away Saturday afternoon, the 4th.
2. Individuals to donate fresh cut cedar, pine greens and red twig dogwood branches. I would like to have at least 2 yard bags full of evergreens Please have these bagged and at the church on Friday, December 3.
3. An individual to donate enough premade fresh evergreen roping to go around the double entry doors. Please deliver Friday December 3 am or Saturday December 4th am.
4. An individual to donate white outdoor lights to generously wrap the cross outside on Segoe Road.
5. An individual to wrap the Segoe Road cross in white lights on Friday December 3, remove and store them after January 6.
6. Helpers who will climb a ladder, fluff greens, and bows, assist in making arrangements, iron, pound nails, etc.
7. Helpers please bring scissors, pruners, wire cutters, iron, ironing board, glue guns, finishing nails, hammer.
8. Bring a sack lunch.
9. Work days will be January 7 and 8 to remove and store Christmas decorations.
Roger Wisegarver is Making Progress In His Recovery
Roger Wisergarver continues to make progress in his recovering from Guillen Barre syndrome. Last week Brenda shared the photo below of Roger in his new wheelchair and of them the two of them with their new wheelchair accessible van. Both the wheelchair and van were purchased with the benefit for Roger, for which we took a special offering.
Brenda also sent us this thank you note:
Your continued prayer and generosity are appreciated by us so much!! You all have been a God send.
We will come visit soon.
Our Love,
Roger & Brenda Wisegarver
Upcoming Westwood Events
November 21 11:00 AM – Budget Presentation to the congregation
4:00 PM – Singing at Clare Bridge
December 5 11:00 AM – Westwood’s Annual Meeting
12:00 Noon – Keenager’s Potluck
December 11 9:00 AM – Christmas for Kids
December 19 9:30 AM – Children’s Christmas Program
December 24 5:00 PM – Christmas Eve Service
December 26 12:00 Noon – Potluck for Chardel
Johnston’s Fortieth Anniversary