Clip More! Earn More! Box Tops for Education Support Mountain Mission School
DID YOU KNOW… that Westwood collects Campbell Soup labels and Box Tops For Education for Mountain Mission School in Grundy, Virginia? There are collection boxes in the foyer for the labels and box tops. Labels and box tops have helped purchase many items for the Mission School. $1504.00 has been earned toward educational items with Box Tops so far in 2010.
Mountain Mission School reclaims the lives of seriously disadvantaged children. Since 1921, Mountain Mission School has cared for children born in nearly every state, the District of Columbia and many foreign countries around the globe. Sam Hurley, the founder of Mountain Mission School was himself an orphan in Appalachia, and many children with roots in Appalachia are served by the school.
Westwood has connections with the school: Ken and Christine Henes traveled to the World Convention of Christian Churches/Churches of Christ with the Mountain Mission Choir in 2004. The students were a blessing, demonstrating Christ’s love where ever we went. Marion and Marilyn Greaser’s son, Scott, served at the Mountain Mission School for a time.
Please save your labels and box tops to help support this important work. For further information on the school check their website at Should you have questions about the project, see Marcia Larson or Christine Henes.
Harvest Dinner Is November 14
Our annual Harvest Dinner will take place on November 14 at 5:30 PM. Plan to come and bring a friend. You can sign up to come and eat, bring a pie, help set up, or help clean up and put things away. Sign up on Sunday or contact Chardel at the church office. Invited your family and friends to come and eat with you. The main meal will be provided. Plan for a great evening together.
Daylight Savings Time Ends On November 7 At 2:00 AM
Late afternoon – early evening darkness is coming to Madison beginning November 7. Don’t miss it. All you have to do to experience this annual phenomenon is to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday evening, November 6. Then you will find darkness settling in one hour earlier the next day. It is all the result of daylight savings time ending for 2010.
Vote Next Tuesday, November 2
As you probably know from the many political ads that have been on TV and radio, next Tuesday, November 2, is election day in America. I just want to encourage you to vote. Elections have consequences for national and state policies, so be sure that your vote is counted.
New Information Available on Westwood’s Web Site
The Caller, our monthly newsletter, and these Westwood Messages are now available on our web site, so you can go there at any time time to check them out or send other people to the website who ask you about the congregation. They are on the Publications page. Recordings of the most recent sermons are also now available for download or for listening to online. God to the Sermon Recordings page.
There are also some documents on the same page that you can download to read about what we believe and teach. All of those documents can be printed to read for yourself or to share with others. Find out more about baptism, the Lord’s Supper, what kind of church we are, and other information.