As I am sure is true for many of you reading this, I have been enthralled with the Christmas stories from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke for many years. For me, the fascination began as I grew up through the Christmas programs at church and with my Dad’s annual reading of the Christmas story from Luke 2 to my family on Christmas Eve. The last two years, as I will be again this year, I once again preached the Christmas stories. I had not done so for several years while I was involved in para-church ministries. Again, I have found their message to be refreshing and challenging.
Last year, in particular, as I studied those stories, I found how the people in them met Christ in fresh ways in the midst of difficult circumstances. I began to ponder what are the circumstances in which people can meet Christ today in our churches, particularly at Christmas. Can people encounter God in a fresh way like Zechariah and Elizabeth and Mary and Joseph?
I discovered that people will meet Christ in your church when they respond to the circumstances of life the way the characters in the Christmas stories did. Here is just a taste of the circumstances out of which they responded to Christ.
People Will Meet Christ In Your Church When They Are Surprised. Everyone likes good surprises, but sometimes life can surprise us in ways that will either bring us to God or take us away from him. That happened to Zechariah, the priest and father of John the Baptist, when he served in the temple one day. God surprised him there, but in the midst of that encounter with God, he let God use him to become the father of the Messiah’s forerunner. God will sometimes surprise people in your church. He will show up at the most unexpected times, and we need to help them let God use them at such times.
People Will Meet Christ In Your Church When They Are Afraid. When the angel came to Joseph to tell him Mary was pregnant, the angel told him to not be afraid. He had good reason to be afraid with the circumstances the angel put before him, but he trusted God’s plan, and Christ was born. People we work with may sometimes be afraid in life, but when we help them trust God’s plan, they can meet the one Joseph heard about that day, the “one who saves.” It could not have been easy for Mary and Joseph in the ensuing months and during the years they raised Jesus, but God does not always promise us an easy way. He does promise to remove our fears.
People Will Meet Christ In Your Church When They Are Amazed. When people meet Christ, God works beyond the ordinary in their lives. Such was the case with Elizabeth when she met Christ during the events of the first Christmas. When Mary comes to visit during their pregnancies, Elizabeth expresses amazement at what God is doing. Upon meeting Mary, Elizabeth exclaims, “Why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” The phrase could literally be translated, “What am I in this that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” We should encourage people to look for what God is doing in their lives and to express amazement at how God can use them. When they do, they can respond to their amazement as Mary responded to Elizabeth’s amazement by offering high praise to God for what he is doing. God will do extraordinary things in people’s lives, and we should help them express praise to him instead of taking credit themselves.
People Will Meet Christ In Your Church When They Are Troubled. Perhaps the one person in the midst of the Nativity who had the richest encounter with God was Mary. The angel appeared to Mary and said, “You are highly favored. The Lord is with you.” “Highly favored” literally means “enriched with grace.” Mary was troubled with this greeting and with the events happening to her, but she pondered what God was doing and let him work out his plan in her life. God can do amazing things in troubling situations in people’s lives when we help them find ways for God to work in them.
There is much to consider in the great story that we learn from every Christmas. Use the encounters from that story to help people meet Christ in this season of the year.